Status shipment & damaged goods

Status of your shipment?

  • On the day of shipment, Bpost or TNT will send you a track & trace link by email.
  • If your package appears to be stuck somewhere in a distribution center, please send an email to so that we can contact Bpost or TNT.
    You do not have to undertake any business yourself, we will keep you informed about a possible claim file.

What if you receive a damaged package?

  • You receive the package.
  • You take as many photos as possible of the outer packaging (box), the inner packaging, the damaged and undamaged contents.
    You can email these photos to stating your name, your order number and an explanation of the damaged articles.
    Only then can we correctly prepare a claim file for you.


  • You refuse the package so that the package is automatically returned to us.
  • Once we actually receive the damaged package in return, we will prepare a damage file for you.
    We will inform you by email about the progress of the file.