The Vegetarian Butcher No Mince 2kg Frozen ❄️

The Vegetarian Butcher No Mince 2kg Frozen ❄️
EAN: 8720182042958


The Vegetarian Butcher No Mince 2kg Frozen
Additional Information

Additional Information

Ingredients SOY structure 91.15% (water 56.1%, SOY protein, BARLEY malt extract), natural flavourings 3.75%, spirit vinegar 1.45%, dextrose 1%, salt 0.8%, yeast extract 0.8%, spices 0.55% (black pepper 0.15%, garlic powder 0.15%, onion powder 0.1%, ginger 0.05%, coriander 0.05%, mace 0.05%), caramellised sugar 0.4%, ferric pyrophosphate, cyanocobalamin. Disclaimer: this CUC PIRd alternative must be used for a limited number of CU PIRds ONLY. Please be aware and consult its use with Spec Team. Contains barley, cereals containing gluten and soybeans. Suitable for Vegan. EVU approved- ID 0200. Disclaimer: this allergen declaration can be used ONLY for certain SKUs, as long as bulk product produced at Dafgard (MRDR 68501777, TBV code 600080) is used. Only this supplier grants no cross contaminations in this product.

Nutrients per 100 g

Energie 552,00 kJ
132,00 kcal
Vetten 0,500 g
Waarvan verzadigde vetzuren 0,100 g
Koolhydraten 3,10 g
Waarvan suikers 1,80 g
Vezels 6,60 g
Eiwitten 24,00 g
Zout 1,30 g
Ijzer 3,30 mg
Vitamine B12 0,730 mcg

Allergy Information

melk Doesn't contain any melk
ei Doesn't contain any ei
soja Contains soja
glutenbevattende granen Contains glutenbevattende granen
tarwe Unknown
rogge Unknown
vis Doesn't contain any vis
schaaldieren Doesn't contain any schaaldieren
noten Doesn't contain any noten
pinda's Doesn't contain any pinda's
sulfiet (E220 - E228) Doesn't contain any sulfiet (E220 - E228)
selderij May contain selderij
sesam Doesn't contain any sesam
lupine Doesn't contain any lupine
mosterd May contain mosterd
weekdieren Doesn't contain any weekdieren
gerst Contains gerst
haver Unknown
spelt Unknown
khorasantarwe Unknown
amandelen Doesn't contain any amandelen
hazelnoten Doesn't contain any hazelnoten
walnoten Doesn't contain any walnoten
cashewnoten Doesn't contain any cashewnoten
pecannoten Doesn't contain any pecannoten
paranoten Doesn't contain any paranoten
pistachenoten Doesn't contain any pistachenoten
macadamianoten Doesn't contain any macadamianoten