Bresc Chunky Salsa Tomato 1000g

Bresc Chunky Salsa Tomato 1000g
EAN: 8712698123795
€12.21 per jar
EAN: 8712698121982


Bresc Chunky Salsa Tomato 1000g

This famous flavouring originates in Latin-American cuisine and is traditionally served as a side-dish with tacos, tortillas and fish dishes. It contains coarsely chopped chunks of tomato, onion and pepper, which make it quite distinctive. It is then seasoned with parsley, white wine vinegar and garlic.

This chilled salsa is ready-to-use and produces an amazing visual effect in any dish.

As well as the classic use of this salsa, it also makes a brilliant “sauce” for hamburgers, hot dogs or a great topping for pizzas.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Ingredients Tomato (66%), onion (10%), sugar, garlic (4%), water, red chilli (2%), green chilli (2%), white wine vinegar, sunflower oil, parsley (1.5%), salt (1.2%), pepper, acid (lactic acid), stabilizers (guar gum, xantan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate)

Nutrients per 100 g

Energie 276,00 kJ
65,00 kcal
Vetten 2,00 g
Waarvan verzadigde vetzuren 0,300 g
Waarvan enkelvoudig onverzadigde vetzuren 0,700 g
Waarvan meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren 0,900 g
Transvetzuren 0,00 g
Koolhydraten 10,30 g
Waarvan suikers 7,40 g
Vezels 1,40 g
Eiwitten 1,30 g
Eiwit plantaardig 1,30 g
Eiwit dierlijk 0,00 g
Zout 1,20 g
Toegevoegd suiker 5,00 g
Toegevoegd zout 1,20 g

Allergy Information

melk Doesn't contain any melk
ei Doesn't contain any ei
soja Doesn't contain any soja
glutenbevattende granen Doesn't contain any glutenbevattende granen
tarwe Doesn't contain any tarwe
rogge Doesn't contain any rogge
vis Doesn't contain any vis
schaaldieren Doesn't contain any schaaldieren
noten Doesn't contain any noten
pinda's Doesn't contain any pinda's
sulfiet (E220 - E228) Doesn't contain any sulfiet (E220 - E228)
selderij Doesn't contain any selderij
sesam Doesn't contain any sesam
lupine Doesn't contain any lupine
mosterd Doesn't contain any mosterd
weekdieren Doesn't contain any weekdieren
gerst Doesn't contain any gerst
haver Doesn't contain any haver
spelt Doesn't contain any spelt
khorasantarwe Doesn't contain any khorasantarwe
amandelen Doesn't contain any amandelen
hazelnoten Doesn't contain any hazelnoten
walnoten Doesn't contain any walnoten
cashewnoten Doesn't contain any cashewnoten
pecannoten Doesn't contain any pecannoten
paranoten Doesn't contain any paranoten
pistachenoten Doesn't contain any pistachenoten
macadamianoten Doesn't contain any macadamianoten