- Description
Knorr roux brown granules 10kg ProfessionalDescription : Granulated brown sauce base and thickener
Preparation :
- AS A BROWN ROUX BASE: Whisk Knorr Brown Roux granules into hot or boiling water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 1 minute, stirring continuously.
- AS A THICKENER/FINISHER: Sprinkle the granules directly into the boiling mixture, simmer for 1 minute, stirring until the desired consistency is achieved.
Yield : 1 kg of Knorr Brown Roux thickens approximately 10 litres (17 ½ pints) of sauce or 14 litres (24 ½ pints) of soup.
Storage : Store in a cool dry place
Ingredients : Wheat Flour, Vegetable Fat, Colour (Ammonia Caramel)
Allergens : Suitable for a lactose free diet
Additives :
- No artificial preservatives
- No artificial flavours
- No added MSG
Dietary Information :
- Vegan
- Vegetarian
- Additional Information
Additional Information
Ingredients TARWEBLOEM, palmvet, kleurstof (E150c). Alcohol content N/A Nutrients per 100 g
Energie 2.394,00 kJ
578,00 kcalVetten 38,00 g Waarvan verzadigde vetzuren 28,00 g Koolhydraten 49,00 g Waarvan suikers 0,700 g Vezels 1,70 g Eiwitten 6,60 g Zout 0,0100 g Allergy Information
melk Doesn't contain any melk ei Doesn't contain any ei soja Doesn't contain any soja glutenbevattende granen Contains glutenbevattende granen tarwe Contains tarwe rogge May contain rogge vis Doesn't contain any vis schaaldieren Doesn't contain any schaaldieren noten Doesn't contain any noten pinda's Doesn't contain any pinda's sulfiet (E220 - E228) Doesn't contain any sulfiet (E220 - E228) selderij Doesn't contain any selderij sesam Doesn't contain any sesam lupine Doesn't contain any lupine mosterd Doesn't contain any mosterd weekdieren Doesn't contain any weekdieren gerst May contain gerst haver May contain haver spelt Unknown khorasantarwe Unknown amandelen Doesn't contain any amandelen hazelnoten Doesn't contain any hazelnoten walnoten Doesn't contain any walnoten cashewnoten Doesn't contain any cashewnoten pecannoten Doesn't contain any pecannoten paranoten Doesn't contain any paranoten pistachenoten Doesn't contain any pistachenoten macadamianoten Doesn't contain any macadamianoten